Friday, June 1, 2012

How do an introverted person act?.

Let me get started a new story everyday. When asked to respond to one question viewing on how my personality is, I can say that I am a real introverted person. I am sending this letter out to all of introverted people like me. Unlike other extroverted people, I like to let my finger to do the talking. I prefer writing to talking. It is easier to reflect on a particular idea through words. Taking time with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Blog, .. is out off the chitchatting purpose. They really want to express themselves and dig deep all sides of this life. When they are asked about their opinions, they need much time to think and make a decision, always begin a respond by "To be candid with you...".
What almost people do not know about the invisible strength of introverted people. They draw on their own eligible target, and try out implementing it in solitude.

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